30/03/2020Text: Joanna ChuPhoto: 網上圖片
跟雷神Chris Hemsworth 操fit!留家抗疫必備的5個免費健身App
1/ 雷神陪你做運動:Centr
“I feel so fortunate to have worked with incredible experts in the fields of health, nutrition, mindfulness and training, so I thought, ‘Why not share that?’ Tell my team what you want to achieve and they’ll help you get there.” - Chris Hemsworth
「Centr」由Chris Hemsworth 與妻子Elsa Pataky 一同開發,提供多個運動訓練、身體鍛鍊及飲食計劃,十分多元化!App 內還有供冥想用的音頻,聽著也覺舒壓,全部由Chris Hemsworth 落手策劃。最近他更宣布由即日起,新用戶可以到官網登記免費試玩6星期!