「嗯,那當然也很重要。但是,如果我們不管他的想法,就不可能找到適合的,而同時願意留下來跟我們一起打拼的人。需要雙方面的嘛。你選他,他也選你。況且我們也在跟市場競爭人才。 」
你在決定在哪家公司去發展自己的事業時,有哪些條件 / 因素對你是重要的?」
Boris is the manager of a project team. His assistant screened and interviewed a few candidates. Now she has short-listed 3 candidates for Boris to do the second interview before making the final decision.
Boris knows that he always looks on the good side of people. He decides based on gut feeling and therefore is less objective. In the past, many of the people he hired would stay for a few months or a year before resigning. And there were a couple of people were found to be totally unsuitable and that they had to ask them to leave.
Just when he was scratching his head trying to figure this out, he saw Mary their Sales Manager passing by his office, so he waved at her wanting to pick her brains.
“Hmm, this Project Coordinator that you want to hire… do you know what he wants from our company?”
“You can’t be serious! Shouldn’t we be looking at what he can do for our company?”
“Oh certainly, that’s very important too. But if we do not know what he wants, we won’t be able to find the people that suit us and want to stay with us long term. Hiring is a two-way process. You choose him, he chooses you. Remember: we are competing with the market for the best talents.”
“How can I go about doing this then?”
“To understand more about his expectations, you can ask him:
I’m just curious, why did you pick our company?
Why do you want to become a Project Coordinator?
What do you hope to get from this job?
What are the key factors for you to decide which company to build your career?”
“We usually looked at his resume and then asked questions about what he did. So the people we hired had the relevant experience and knowledge. But very few good ones stayed with us. I am beginning to think that there is a mismatch here. Now you have given me a new direction. Thank you.”
“My pleasure. Just now was about how we could probe deeper to discover and understand the candidate’s values (meaning what are important to him) and his vision, to help us assess if that match our company’s values and vision. There is more to it.”
“There is more! Quick, tell me all about it!”