(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )
1. The safety and health of our attendees (出席者) is our highest priority(首要任務).
2. The safety of participants, guests, and staff must always come first.
3. We regret to announce that due to the emergence of the Omicron variant, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone (延期)the seminar until further notice(直至另行通知)。
我們很遺憾地宣宣佈,由於 Omicron 變異病毒株肆虐,我們做出了艱難的決定——將研討會推遲直至另行通知。
4. We are genuinely upset not to be able to host (接待)you at this time.
5. In light of (鑑於) the uncertainty of the coronavirus developments(疫情發展), our company has decided to postpone the _______ event to 2023.
因疫情發展不明朗,本公司決定將_______活動延期至 2023年。
6. Due to the current circumstances surrounding Omicron, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the ______ event. We will keep you informed of future event developments.
由於Omicron肆虐,我們作出了推遲 ______ 活動這個艱難的決定。倘若有任何有關活動的最新發展,我們也會再次通知您的。
(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )
7. As the Hong Kong government announced that fifteen types of specified premises(15個表列處所) will have to close for a period of time, we are genuinely upset not to be able to host (接待) you during this period. Please contact 2xxx-3xxx for further information.
由於香港政府宣布15個表列處所將關閉一段時間,因此,很遺憾地我們在此期間無法接待您。 如若希望了解更多,請致電 2xxx-3xxx與我們聯繫。
8. After careful consideration of the health and safety of our participants and partners under the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 virus in the community, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the _____ event on 1 March 2022 to yet a later date.
在社區中出現 Omicron 變種 COVID-19 病毒後,我們仔細考慮了來賓和合作夥伴的健康和安全,並作出了這艱難的決定——將 2022 年 3 月 1 日的_____活動推遲到更晚的日期。
9. After close consultation (密切協商)with our partners in the industry(業界;行業), we have made the difficult decision to postpone the ______ event.
經過與業界合作夥伴的密切協商,我們做出了艱難的決定——將______ 活動延期舉行。
10. Following the Government’s latest regulation (規定;規例)on group gathering (群組聚集)prohibition and the growing concerns of the pandemic(疫情), our company has decided to cancel the ______ event.
根據政府最新限制群組聚集規例,以及對疫情的顧慮,本公司決定取消______ 活動。
11. We have been monitoring (關注)the situation closely and finally made the difficult decision to postpone it for a year to 2023.
我們一直在密切關注事態發展,最終做出了艱難的決定——將活動推遲一年至 2023 年。
(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )
12. This decision was made after careful risk assessment (風險評估)and consideration of advice related to the Omicron variant.
這決定是在仔細評估風險並考慮與 Omicron 變種相關的建議後作出的。
13. We will be working with our partners to finalize the details and will share more information about our plans with you soon.
14. Thank you for your continued support.
15. We look forward to seeing you in the near future (不久將來).
16. We know that this is a very challenging time for everyone and appreciate your understanding and support.
17. We will keep trying to find a time when we’re not interrupted.
18. Stay safe and healthy!
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