「準時打卡返工/放工」、「呢個project佢會接手」英文怎麼說?「Call off」同「put off」有甚麼分別?本周,筆者會為大家分享8個個職場必備嘅英文片語,助你應付工作或社交各種場合。
(credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )
Call off 取消
Example 1:
The merger was called off as a result of fans of both clubs protesting against the decision.
Example 2:
We had to call off the meeting since the host was late.
Put off 延後
Example 1:
Today's meeting will be postponed due to bad weather.
Example 2:
I have put off my holidays until October.
Take over 接手
(credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )
Example 1:
John will be going on a 3-week holiday. Therefore, Simon will take over this project and you may have to report to him regularly.
John將去旅行3周。 因此,Simon 將接手這個項目,你可能需要定期向他匯報。
Example 2:
The firm has been taken over by a Canadian conglomerate.
Clock in 上班打卡
(credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )
Example 1:
We are supposed to clock in before 9:00 am.
我們應該在上午 9:00 之前打卡。
Example 2:
When you arrive at the factory to start work, the first thing you have to do is to clock in.
Clock out 下班打卡
Example 1:
He clocked out pretty early yesterday.
Example 2:
Why did you clock out early yesterday?
Go over 仔細檢查
Example 1:
Could you please go over the article before handing it in to me? There were quite a lot of mistakes in the previous one.
在把文章交給我之前,能否先仔細檢查一下這篇文章? 上一篇有不少文章錯誤。
Example 2:
Let 's go over the draft once again.
Circle back 繞回來
Example 1:
We will circle back to discuss this issue.
Example 2:
The business-planning process requires leaders to circle back on critical decisions as new information emerges.
Wrap up 結束
Example 1:
Let’s wrap up the meeting if there are no more questions.
Example 2:
Let 's wrap up the job and go home.
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