[ET Net News Agency, 14 March 2025] CHINA TAIPING (00966) rose 5.3% to HK$12.66,
breaking above the 100-D SMA of HK$12.226.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$12.66, and an intra-day low of HK$12.02. The total
shares traded was 5.93 million, with a value of HK$73.5m. The active buy/sell ratio is
71:29, with net buying turnover of HK$30.37m. J.P. MORGAN BRO (HK) accounts for greatest
net responsive buying turnover of HK$2.62m, with volume weighted average price of
HK$12.368. MACQUARIE CAPITAL accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of
HK$6.69m, with volume weighted average price of HK$12.377.
Basic Information
Nominal 12.660 % Chg +5.32%
High 12.660 Low 12.020
Shares Tr 5.93m Turnover 73.5m
10-D SMA 11.862 %H.V 49.055
20-D SMA 12.014 VWAP 12.388
50-D SMA 11.510 RSI14 60.503
Status: Breaking above the 100-D SMA, active buy/sell ratio is 71:29, with net buying
turnover of HK$30.37m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
CHINA TAIPING (00966) 12.66 +5.32
CCB (00939) 6.88 +2.84
CHINA MOBILE (00941) 83.50 +0.97
NCI (01336) 30.30 +9.19
ICBC (01398) 5.72 +3.06
CHINA LIFE (02628) 16.60 +6.82
ZIJIN MINING (02899) 17.20 +5.65
CICC (03908) 16.46 +5.24
BANK OF CHINA (03988) 4.61 +1.99
CGS (06881) 8.81 +6.02