Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
Part 3:如何用e-mail「下單」
To: Anna Blake
Subject: Ordering Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Headphones
Dear Miss Blake,
Following our phone conversation yesterday, [說明商品型號/規格I would like to place an order for your Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Headphones無線耳機.] I understand that the price for this product is $239 per unit.
[說明首次訂購數量However, since I intend to有意;打算 start with an order of 1,000 units,] [表示希望對方降低價格would it be possible to lower the price?] [查詢送件日期Please also let me know when would be the earliest I could expect to receive the products.]
Thank you very much for your attention.
Morgan Chan
A&B Electronics
Part 4:如何回覆「下單」e-mail
To: Morgan Chan
Subject: Re: Ordering Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Headphones
Dear Mr. Chan,
Thank you for expressing your interest表示有興趣 in Electronics Marketplace's products. We would be happy to offer you a 10% discount from the listed price標價 for an order of 1,000 units of our Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Headphones. Unfortunately, this item is currently out of stock缺貨. We should, however, have it back in stock within two weeks.
Our estimated估計 shipping time is 2-3 weeks. If you would like to pre-order預購 this product, please do not hesitate to contact me and I would be happy to assist you. I can be reached at 6123-6123.
Lauren Blake
Electronics Marketplace
Part 5: 更多相關例句
1. 你們有足夠的庫存可以馬上出貨嗎?
Do you have that amount available for immediate shipment?
2. 你們基本款是什麼價格?
What is the charging for the basic model?
3. 我們基本款的標價是每組…元。
Our listed price is HKD$150 per unit for the basic model.
Read more:【面試錦囊】拆解面試5大難題!輕鬆回答「你期望有多少薪金」
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