Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
• Having researched your website, …...
• I was particularly impressed by…...
• I understand that this position requires…...
• I have demonstrated(展示) the aforementioned qualities(上述特質) through my role(角色) as a/an…...
• I would value(重視) the opportunity to gain experience in…...
• The experience that I would gain would be of great benefit(大有裨益) to me as a student and also for my future ambitions(抱負) as a …...
• I am particularly interested in gaining experience in …...
• I am very keen(熱衷) to join the team because…...
• The advertised role requires…… In respect of this, …...
• I see that this position offers…… In respect to this, one of my key strengths (強項) is the ability to…... I recently demonstrated this quality through…...
• This experience taught me the importance of…...
• Through my academic studies, I have developed communication skills, an eye for detail (注重細節) and the ability to keep to deadlines(按時完成工作).
• My academic experience(學術經驗) has provided a solid foundation(强健的基礎) in…...
• During my degree course, I have developed skills in...... My experience in…...
• As you can see from the attached CV(附上的簡歷), ......
• I would welcome the opportunity of discussing this application further and am available for interview at your convenience(您方便的時候). I look forward to hearing from you.
• I am confident that these skills and personal attributes(個人特質) would be of benefit to your company and would allow me to succeed in this role.
• I would be delighted(高興) to discuss any aspect of this application at your earliest convenience(您方便的時候).
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