【撰寫Email】電郵被忽略?對方遲遲未覆?如何寫Follow-up Email跟進?必學5大範例!
Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
上文提到,我們在出席商業活動後,可以主動撰寫後續電郵(Follow-up Email)去和值得結為朋友或是工作夥伴的人聯絡,進一步溝通建立良好而長遠的關係。其實,Follow-up Email的用途可以很廣泛,而且使用的頻率可以很高,可用到Follow-up Email的情況並不限於上述一種。日常工作中,我們其實常常需要使用到跟進(Follow-up)的技巧來完成工作。我們可根據不同目的和對象,撰寫和寄出Follow-up Email,以促進工作效率和成效。
日常工作中,發出的Email被對方忽略了怎麼辦?等了很久卻遲遲未收到回覆?遇到以上情況,難道要繼續忐忑不安的「乾等」下去嗎?別傻了!與其繼續漫無目的地等待,不如嘗試發一封Follow up Email給對方跟進一下!以下是筆者為大家預備了的5大範例:
Subject: Are you joining our 2020 Annual Meeting?
Dear Kammy,
We haven't yet received your response 我們尚未收到你的答覆 as for participation in our 2020 Annual Meeting. We have to know the number of the participants by 27th December.
In case you have not received our initial invitation email, this meeting will be held on 3rd January from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Zoom. Our topic is “How to Shape Consumer Perception to Motivate Online Shopping." Our speaker is Joe Chan, CEO of ABC Ltd. A Zoom invitation link will be sent prior to the date.
See you there!
Elton Wong
Senior Marketing Officer
L&Y Collection Ltd.
情況:留口訊後給對方發一封Follow-up Email
Hi Chlesea,
I just tried to reach you on the phone and left a voice message口訊.
Please contact me back *ASAP at 2234-1234.
Thanks and regards,
Kylie Yeung
Sales Manager
A&B Collection Ltd.
*ASAP= as soon as possible (盡快)
情況:利用 Follow-up Email行銷 (EDM) 來挖掘潛在商機
Hi Julia,
I've really enjoyed our conversation 跟你談話很愉快, and I hope our cooperation will improve your company's efficiency 效率and profitability盈利能力.
I've attached in this email our company profile and our top business values for your reference 供你參考. I have confidence that our company can reach your organization's objectives目標.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns, and I will be glad to assist you. If not, I look forward to talking again on Friday.
Charmaine Chow
Sales Manager
KZC Collection LTD.
Hi John,
I have not heard back from you for a while我已經有一段時間沒有收到你的回覆了. I am just wondering — did I say something wrong?
Last time we spoke上次我們談話時, we talked about our cooperation on the XXX project.
If I did something wrong, please let me know ASAP, and I will be glad to fix it.
Best regards
Judy Lau
Sales Manager
KZC Collection LTD.
Hi Linda,
I am writing to you to check in to see if you got my last email. 再次確認你是否收到我上一封電郵。
If you need any help or any questions appear, I will be more than happy to help you. Please let me know when you are available for a quick call. 煩請告知甚麼時候有空可以通話。I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks again.
Edmond Yeung
Sales Manager
L&Y Collection LTD.