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  • Simpson1發表於 2015-3-4 11:48 PM
  • #47
  • 算吧啦半百老翁,次次你都開返咁多個account讚好自己, 再dislike其他人, 咪咁小學雞啦!

  • 引用 #46 六十後男士 發表於 2015-2-23 05:12 PM

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  • 六十後男士發表於 2015-2-23 05:12 PM
  • #46

  • 引用 #43 ctang8 發表於 2015-2-23 04:05 PM

    回覆 六十後男士 Why manipulate? - out of prejudice - out of ignorance - out of fear of changing s ...
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  • ctang8發表於 2015-2-23 04:20 PM
  • #45
  • For what?
    - to discredit opposing view
    - to intimidate opposition
    - to falsify majority view

    Bottomline - weak in reasoning and morality.

  • 引用 #43 ctang8 發表於 2015-2-23 04:05 PM

    回覆 六十後男士 Why manipulate? - out of prejudice - out of ignorance - out of fear of changing s ...
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  • nile發表於 2015-2-23 04:07 PM
  • #44
  • (3) You...

  • 引用 #42 nile 發表於 2015-2-23 04:04 PM

    Couldn't you see at the end what's remaining with the opposite side is IQ60 yelling like hell eve ...
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  • ctang8發表於 2015-2-23 04:05 PM
  • #43
  • 回覆 #41 六十後男士

    Why manipulate?
    - out of prejudice
    - out of ignorance
    - out of fear of changing status quo
    - out of social needs to be liked
    - out of responsibility as paid propagandists
  • 回覆 | 引用 | 舉報
  • nile發表於 2015-2-23 04:04 PM
  • #42
  • Couldn't you see at the end what's remaining with the opposite side is IQ60 yelling like hell every day after work on behalf of these idiots repeating the same message like a tape-recorder:
    (1) If you don't like the Chinese govt, why don't you go to Beijing to protest?
    (2) If you aren't in favor of the Hong Kong govt, why don't you give up your citizenship?
    (3) Your must be betraying your own country if you use a foreign language to express your opinions.
    (4) If you write in English, then your Chinese must be bad.
    (5) If you "joke" with your web-friends, then you must be having some "secret" affairs with them.

  • 引用 #40 lsmpat 發表於 2015-2-23 03:30 PM

    回覆 jutice 也不至於。可笑的是:少有說理,只見"dislike"。 祝 大家新年快樂,羊年大吉! ...
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  • 六十後男士發表於 2015-2-23 03:46 PM
  • #41
  • Supposed there were manipulation, can you explain why somebody bother to do so?
    It is because lie is not acceptable.
    Distorted idea is not convincing.
    Hard selling bad guy has no market.
    I am satisfied with the warm support from the members.
    In your case, enjoy the cold disapproval .
    Be true to yourself.
    If you guys really don't mind the overwhelming no. of dislike, you won't have said a word about this.
    You have betrayed yourself.

  • 引用 #39 ctang8 發表於 2015-2-23 03:28 PM

    回覆 jutice There are definitely manipulations of login accounts. It just shows dishonesty of th ...
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  • lsmpat發表於 2015-2-23 03:30 PM
  • #40
  • 回覆 #38 jutice


    祝 大家新年快樂,羊年大吉!
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  • ctang8發表於 2015-2-23 03:28 PM
  • #39
  • 回覆 #38 jutice

    There are definitely manipulations of login accounts. It just shows dishonesty of the manipulators. It cannot fool or deter anyone who has a good judgement. Time and time again, if they often have no better thing to say, but pound on dislike icon or swear. Just a signal of weakness.
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  • jutice發表於 2015-2-23 03:12 PM
  • #38
  • 對人不對事,是這兒的文化,我懷疑是一對狗男女在背後操縱多個戶口所致,希望天有眼,惡有惡報。

  • 引用 #37 lsmpat 發表於 2015-2-23 02:40 PM

    Did I break the record of receiving 11 "dislike" in just 10-minute time?
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  • lsmpat發表於 2015-2-23 02:40 PM
  • #37
  • Did I break the record of receiving 11 "dislike" in just 10-minute time?

  • 引用 #36 lsmpat 發表於 2015-2-23 02:17 PM

    回覆 ctang8 You're so right, only man like IQ60 would choose to count "like" to satisfy himself s ...
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  • lsmpat發表於 2015-2-23 02:17 PM
  • #36
  • 回覆 #34 ctang8

    You're so right, only man like IQ60 would choose to count "like" to satisfy himself so eagerly, even to "beg" for his many "teachers". Welcome back to celebrate the Year of Sheep/Goat. Happy Lunar New Year with all the best wishes!
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  • lsmpat發表於 2015-2-23 02:06 PM
  • #35
  • 回覆 #33 lsmpat

    "conversation" instead of "talks" for fear some people may misunderstand we wish to teach them something.
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  • ctang8發表於 2015-2-23 01:34 PM
  • #34
  • 回覆 #33 lsmpat

    Depending what one wants to pursue. I have never made it a life goal to gain more 'like' here. Very often, unpopular view is the right way to go. On the contary, gaining those phony 'like' to satisfy his ego apparently is the life goal of iq60. Remember the song "you are so vain"?
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  • lsmpat發表於 2015-2-23 12:43 PM
  • #33
  • 回覆 #31 nile

    Haven't I told you that your Chinese is better than his in both reasoning and understanding? The four-word idiom "緣木求魚" was terribly translated as "fishing inside a tree (why not wood?)" rather than, for example, "climbing a tree to catch fish" and was far away from its original meaning "making irrelevant demands". I wonder if it was a special way of celebrating the new year. Guess how many "dislike" we will receive for our sensible talks?
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  • nile發表於 2015-2-23 11:18 AM
  • #32
  • "democratic" instead of "democractic": sorry for the mistake because of a lack of practice & absence of capable opponents over the Chinese New Year holidays.

  • 引用 #31 nile 發表於 2015-2-23 11:10 AM

    Same to you: I could figure out the original Chinese four-word idiom but I only find the direct ...
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  • nile發表於 2015-2-23 11:10 AM
  • #31
  • Same to you: I could figure out the original Chinese four-word idiom but I only find the direct translation from IQ60 ludicrous. What interests me most is that the opposite side couldn't make even one word of expression. Let us flood this forum with our "democractic" truths and let these idiots continue gesturing "dislikes" in complete silence. At the end you could see that The Kid, PLHK, Mr. Fat etc could do nothing on reasoning except making curses.

  • 引用 #30 lsmpat 發表於 2015-2-23 09:36 AM

    Kung Hei Fat Choy! I think it is not surprising to receive "dislike" from those idiots, what surp ...
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  • lsmpat發表於 2015-2-23 09:36 AM
  • #30
  • Kung Hei Fat Choy! I think it is not surprising to receive "dislike" from those idiots, what surprised me was those idiots who had given "like" to the scary "idiom" provider/idiot. Wish you good health and happiness always. God bless us all to be healthy enough to survive, at least from this kind of jokes.

  • 引用 #29 nile 發表於 2015-2-22 05:04 PM

    Can the ten (10) idiots who gave a "dislike" to my "smart" commentary please kindly tell me what ...
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  • nile發表於 2015-2-22 05:04 PM
  • #29
  • Can the ten (10) idiots who gave a "dislike" to my "smart" commentary please kindly tell me what the hell "fishing inside a tree" means? Looks that my "beautiful" English needs to be further polished.

  • 引用 #27 nile 發表於 2015-2-22 07:08 AM

    "fishing inside a tree" - New idiom? Please elaborate. May I ask, "how low level is fishing inside ...
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  • nile發表於 2015-2-22 07:11 AM
  • #28
  • Your fans? Leonardo di Caprio?

  • 引用 #24 六十後男士 發表於 2015-2-21 09:07 PM

    Do you make mistake, mud? Of course you did. Your mistake was not on spelling or typo but on cha ...
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