農曆新年祝福語英文 | 新春祝賀客戶、同事!除了Happy Chinese New Year,仲可以點講?必學8句新年祝福語
Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
龍年到了,剛踏入新的一年,你是否想過藉著這個機會祝賀客戶、同事、上司或老闆,以保持友好關係?除了說一句 “Happy Chinese New Year” 外,還可送上甚麼龍年祝福呢?本周,筆者為正在苦惱的你提供了各式各樣的英文祝福語,讓你輕鬆有禮地向各人問好,更能藉著這機會與不同人打開話匣子。大家記得bookmark定呢篇文章,方便有需要時大派用場呀!
( credit: https://stock.adobe.com/)
Part 1: 龍年八大祝福句
1. You are not only the best manager but also a perfect friend. Thanks for your support, and wish you lots of luck for the Dragon year.
您不僅是最好的經理,也是個完美的朋友。 感謝您的支持,祝你龍年行大運!
2. Happy the year of Dragon! Thanks for all your support and valuable interaction in 2023. We hope that we can have more fruitful interactions in 2024. Have a blessed year of Dragon!
3. We would like to reach out and send our best wishes to you! We hope that things go as you planned in the Dragon Year.
4. We are very happy to have a client like you. May there be surplus year after year.
5. Wish you good luck in the year of the dragon.
6. May all your goals be achieved, and all your plans be fulfilled. Have a blessed year of Dragon!
願你所有的目標都實現,所有的計劃都實現。 祝龍年吉祥!
7. Happy Lunar New Year, my dear colleagues! May this new year lift you up to the highest point of success. Have a sparkling year of Dragon!
各位親愛的同事新年快樂! 願新的一年裏您能達到事業的頂峰。 祝您有一個璀璨的龍年!
8. Thanks for choosing us and putting your trust in our service. Wish you lots of luck for the Dragon year.
感謝您選擇我們並信任我們的服務。 祝您龍年萬事如意。
Part 2: E-mail範例(收件人為客戶)
(credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ )
Dear Mr. Chan,
Happy the year of Dragon(龍年大吉). Thank you so much for your business in the previous year. It has been a pleasure helping you reach your goals. We are grateful for good customers like you (感謝像你這樣的好客戶), who make our work satisfying and enjoyable.
We look forward to working with you in the Dragon year (期待在龍年與你合作) and contributing to your success. We wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance (豐裕), joy, and treasured moments.
Best regards,
Elton Wong
Senior Marketing Officer
KZC Collection Ltd.