商務通訊常用平白英文(plain English),但平白的英文不等於平板的英文。齋用簡單句子(simple sentences)令文章平淡乏味,不斷重覆相類的句式猶如說話單調、欠抑揚頓挫。
英文有三種句式:簡單句(simple sentences)、複合句(compound sentences)和複雜句(complex sentences)。適當運用不同的句子結構,可使文章更生動,有層次地表達不同事件。要揮灑自如,必先打好根基,了解這三種句式各自的特徵。
1) 簡單句 (Simple sentences)
話明是簡單句,結構故然是三者中最簡單,簡單句只有一個獨立子句(independent clause)。子句「獨立」即是它本身的意思已經完整,例如,“Although I love him”這子句只說出雖然甚麼,聽者必然問但是怎樣,可見其意思不完整,不可獨立成句。
(i) Sit!
(ii) Chloe sits on the sofa every morning to read the newspaper and enjoy a cup of espresso.
(iii) Martin Luther King: “I have a dream.”
(iv) Barack Obama: “Yes, we can!”
(v) McDonald’s : “I’m Lovin it”
(vi) Nike: “JUST DO IT”
(vii) The landfills in Hong Kong will soon be full. The government should actively consider imposing waste disposal charges. It has been effective in Taiwan.
→Since the landfills in Hong Kong will soon be full, the government should actively consider imposing waste disposal charges which has been effective in Taiwan.
2) 複合句 (Compound sentences)
複合句由兩個獨立子句組成,用並列連詞(coordinating conjunction),如and、or、 but連接,而兩個獨立子句可分別拆出兩句簡單句。
(i) Pete bought the food and Kitty cooked the meal.
→Pete bought the food. Kitty cooked the meal.
(ii) Chris is thoughtful, and his brother is kind.
(iii) Chris is good at Science, but his brother is good at Art.
缺點:並列連詞是簡單的連接詞,不能表達兩個子句間複雜的關係。例如,要對比兩個概念,只可以選擇but或者yet,不像從屬連詞(subordinating conjunctions) although、while和notwithstanding等精細。
3) 複雜句 (Complex sentences)
複雜句由一個獨立子句和一個從屬子句(dependent clause)組成,用從屬連詞(subordinating conjunction)或關係代名詞(relative pronoun)連接。與複合句不同,複雜句的兩個子句有主次之分,獨立子句是主句(main clause),從屬子句則是從句(subordinate clause);前者可獨立成句,後者不可。
(i) Although Jennifer has retired, she still actively contributes to society.
(Main clause: She still actively contributes to society.)
(Subordinate clause: Although Jennifer has retired)
(ii) The chef who won the competition learnt to cook in France.
(Main clause: The chef learnt to cook in France.)
(Subordinate clause: who won the competition)
(iii) 比較以下兩句:
Although Jennifer has retired, she still actively contributes to society.
(Main clause: She still actively contributes to society.)
(Subordinate clause: Although Jennifer has retired)
While Jennifer still actively contributes to society, she has, in fact, retired.
(Main clause: She has, in fact, retired.)
(Subordinate clause: While Jennifer still actively contributes to society)
(iv) The government should step up its environmental policies since air pollution is serious. If there is an increased number of people suffering from respiratory diseases, the medical cost, which will be partly shouldered by taxpayers, will be high. Although the consequences are dire, the government is acting slowly.
複合複雜句 (Compound-complex sentences)
(i) Owen went to the party, but he had left before Cindy arrived.
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