【歌詞背後】 One Tin Soldier
歌手:The Original Caste 樂隊
作曲: Brian Potter & Dennis Earle Lambert
填詞: Brian Potter & Dennis Earle Lambert
《One Tin Soldier》是六十年代作品,首次傾聽卻是1977年Chelsia Chan & Sam Hui(陳秋霞及許冠傑)的版本。當年不過是一個「Form One仔」,對於歌詞背後的理解相當有限,偏偏被那蕩氣迴腸、明快激昂的曲調節奏,深深吸引。
追本溯源,原唱是加拿大樂隊The Original Caste,1971年電影《Billy Jack》以此為主題曲,由美國樂隊Coven 主音Jinx Dawson翻唱。
2. Coven
此曲用詞淺白,幾乎句句押韻,“ago/below, stone/own, friend/end, day/away, hill/kill, share/there, sword/reward, red/said” ⋯⋯邊唱邊唸,印象深刻,不經意,一唱就是四十年。
One Tin Soldier
Listen children to a story
That was written long ago
About a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley folk below
On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath a stone
And the valley people swore
They'd have it for their very own
Go ahead and hate your neighbour
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
Justify it in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away
So the people of the valley
Sent a message up the hill
Asking for the buried treasure
Tons of gold for which they'd kill
Came an answer from the kingdom
"With our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain
All the riches buried there"
Now the valley cried with anger
"Mount your horses, draw your sword"
And they killed the mountain people
So they won their just reward
Now they stood beside the treasure
On the mountain dark and red
Turned the stone and looked beneath it
"Peace on earth" was all it said
Go ahead and hate your neighbour
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You can justify it in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away
Go ahead and hate your neighbour
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You can justify it in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away
「很久很久以前,傳說山上有一王國,在一塊大石下埋了寶藏,山下村民信誓旦旦,認為那寶藏自古以來已是屬於他們的,要求上山取回, 否則不惜敵視鄰里、出賣朋友,甚至大開殺界。出發前,更以上帝之名宣讀誓詞,確證此乃正義之戰,出師有名,無懼面對最後審判日。
《One Tin Soldier》其實是一首反戰歌曲,時值越南戰爭(1955-1975年),美國參與其中,一打就是十多年。
《One Tin Soldier》歌詞警世,倡議和平、共享,切忌利慾薰心,財富權勢,過眼雲煙,憎恨、欺騙、屠殺,值得嗎?事到臨頭,不過白忙一場。
Tin可解作金屬錫器,One Tin Soldier引申開來,就是「鐵石心腸」的軍人。一顆無血無肉、不為世事世情所動的硬心腸,方可狠下殺手,片甲不留。
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