14/03/2025 18:05
14/03/2025 18:05
14/03/2025 17:39 {MMA}MOUTAI (600519) tops 10 most active stocks on MMA (SH)
14/03/2025 17:39 {MMA}XIAOMI-W (01810) tops 10 most active stocks on MMA (SH)
14/03/2025 17:20 [AHFT]Spot mth at 24,085, up 16 pts; premium 125 pts
14/03/2025 17:05 Commodity mkt: oil fut: US$67.44; Ldn gold: US$2993.47/oz
14/03/2025 17:05 Global major indices: DAX up 122 pts, CAC up 52 pts
14/03/2025 16:46 Spot month fut up 581 pts to 24069, 112k contracts
14/03/2025 16:38 {Short Sales}Full-day T/O at HK$42bn, or 14% of Total
14/03/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (GEM) up to day close
14/03/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to day close(3)
14/03/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to day close(2)
14/03/2025 16:35 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to day close(1)
14/03/2025 16:31 Spot month fut up 581 pts to 24069, premium 109 pts to HSI
14/03/2025 16:28 HK$ markets: Overnight Hibor at 2.30%; US$/HK$ 7.7714/42
14/03/2025 16:25 HSI ends up 497 pts at 23,959; TEH up 133 pts at 5,880
14/03/2025 16:10 China Concepts Shares Performance
14/03/2025 16:09 {Hot Stocks}C HIGHPRECISION quoted at HK$0.241, up 28.2%
14/03/2025 16:03 {Block Trade}AK MEDICAL (01789): 4.4m shares, or HK$23.5m
14/03/2025 16:00 {Hot Stocks}HING YIP HLDGS quoted at HK$0.34, up 41.7%